
What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills: Taurus

What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills: Taurus
It's a metaphor...but that actually happened.
What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills

You like to think that you’re tough, but in reality, you are a push over. You let people violate your airspace all the time. You don’t stand up for yourself when you get a bullshit feed from other controllers. Adjacent facilities know your voice and make fun of you when you call on the shout line. Would you please just grow a pair?

That was the bad, now for the good. You run a nice, boring final…and that’s good. Everyone around you knows that you aren’t gonna get yourself in a bad situation, and that they can look to you for help. Pilots appreciate you for your positive attitude. No one has a bad thing to say about your character. When you retire, you will be missed. >>>>Next: Gemini>>>>



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Written by ATC Memes

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