What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills
Let’s call it what it is…you’re old and need to retire. I’m tired of hearing how much busier it used to be back in the day. We ain’t back in the day, and numbers don’t lie. You’re remembering the past with rose colored glasses. Also, it’s creepy when you flirt with the young co-workers. Some of them are younger than your kids. Just go already.
That’s the bad, and I don’t really want to say anything nice to you. Out of respect for the time you’ve put in, I’ll try and be affable. You do have a wealth of knowledge, and I do appreciate some of the techniques that you’ve shared with me. I understand that you didn’t make some of the wisest financial decisions, and that’s why you are clawing for a job that let’s you stay past 56, but come on…just go enjoy retirement. No matter how badly I want you to retire, this place will be worse off without you. That being said, just fucking retire. >>>>Next: Scorpio>>>>

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