
What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills: Aquarius

What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills: Aquarius
Nice range rings brah.
What your Zodiac Sign means about your ATC skills


I gotta tell you, I don’t know much about you. I mean, you’re on the other side of the schedule, and neither of us work a lot of overtime. You seem like an alright dude. You always, say “Hi” and don’t give off a douche vibe. I hear that you took a long time in training, but you’re qualified now, so you couldn’t have been that bad.

I’d say looking at you, I hate the fact that I always see you in cargo pants. I get cargo shorts, they’re cool…but cargo PANTS? Dude the late 90’s called collect from that payphone at the mall across from Structure, and they want their pants back. Ok, that was as much as I’d really like to burn you…I think we’re gonna be on the same days off next year, and I don’t need another enemy. >>>>Next: Pisces>>>>

What do you think?

Written by ATC Memes

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