
The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 41-50

The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 41-50
It's an "Up/Down" Facility. Can you guess the tower?
The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities
Here’s some things to note when reading this chart:
  • The numbers are total operations for the year (divide by 365 if you really need to estimate the daily ops count). “Operations” are arrivals, departures, overflights, VFR aircraft screwing around, etc.
  • Some facilities will have “Tower” in their name. Kansas City tower is an “Up/Down” facility. The data in this table is just for the operations that the TRACON portion of the facility worked.
41 RDU Raleigh-Durham Tower 231,008 239,428 +8,420
42 CVG Cincinnati Tower 222,426 230,738 +8,312
43 MKE Milwaukee Tower 224,925 227,363 +2,438
44 RSW Fort Myers Tower 217,761 225,797 +8,036
45 OKC Oklahoma City Tower 214,814 222,389 +7,575
46 MCI Kansas City Tower 209,103 211,004 +1,901
47 SDF Standiford Tower 203,499 208,772 +5,273
48 R90 Omaha 203,342 207,577 +4,235
49 Y90 Yankee 199,851 205,504 +5,653
50 ORF Norfolk Tower 197,005 196,857 -148

It looks like Norfolk Tower is “Mr. Irrelevant” this year. I thought the cargo push would have bumped SDF higher than 47. Kansas City Tower is also a surprise…I thought they were busier. Cincinnati has dropped off even further from it’s heyday in the 80’s and 90’s. Who the hell want’s to go to Cinci anyway?

If you’d like to learn more about a cool little facility, check out the article we wrote on Addison Tower

What do you think?

Written by ATC Memes

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The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 31-40

The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 31-40