
The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 31-40

The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 31-40
Hey wait, that's a tower display...or is it?
The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities
Here’s some things to note when reading this chart:
  • The numbers are total operations for the year (divide by 365 if you really need to estimate the daily ops count). “Operations” are arrivals, departures, overflights, VFR aircraft screwing around, etc.
  • Some facilities will have “Tower” in their name. Nashville tower is an “Up/Down” facility. The data in this table is just for the operations that the TRACON portion of the facility worked.
31 AUS Austin Tower 290,614 303,650 +13,036
32 M03 Memphis 285,437 301,930 +16,493
33 PBI Palm Beach Tower 280,591 282,212 +1,621
34 A11 Anchorage 276,715 270,295 -6,420
35 BNA Nashville Tower 247,811 264,992 +17,181
36 PIT Pittsburgh Tower 255,510 260,171 +4,661
37 CRP Corpus Christi Tower 237,223 255,062 +17,839
38 IND Indianapolis Tower 240,459 252,756 +12,297
39 E10 High Desert 249,652 248,575 -1,077
40 MSY New Orleans Tower 249,652 248,248 -1,404

Pittsburgh is another one of the “This place used to be busy” spots. I guess that was way back in the mid 80’s though. Ever since airlines opted to put hubs elsewhere, Pittsburgh has had a steadily declining ops count. Much of Memphis’ traffic happens on the Mid (Late night shift, for those of you that don’t habla F Hey Hey speak). I have no clue where High Desert Tracon is, and I don’t really care. Crack the top 25 and then I’ll learn your name. I’m surprised to see New Orleans in the number 40 position; I thought that they were busier. Click Here for numbers 41-50 on the list.

What do you think?

Written by ATC Memes

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The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities 41-50

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