The Top 50 U.S. Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities
Here’s some things to note when reading this chart:
The numbers are total operations for the year (divide by 365 if you really need to estimate the daily ops count). “Operations” are arrivals, departures, overflights, VFR aircraft screwing around, etc.
Some facilities will have “Tower” in their name. Philadelphia tower is an “Up/Down” facility (Sort of). The data in this table is just for the operations that the TRACON portion of the facility worked.
RANK ID NAME FY15 FY16 CHANGE 11 F11 Central Florida 654,086 673,746 +19,660 12 P50 Phoenix 670,361 672,972 +2,611 13 A90 Boston 605,674 639,498 +33,824 14 CLT Charlotte Tower 631,118 636,264 +5,146 15 L30 Las Vegas 585,590 605,514 +19,924 16 S46 Seattle 539,485 578,654 +39,169 17 PHL Philadelphia Tower 586,777 574,328 -12,449 18 M98 Minneapolis 521,513 525,247 +3,734 19 D21 Detroit 505,740 521,998 +16,258 20 HCF Honolulu Control Facility 474,465 478,441 +3,976 Not too many surprises on this list. Seattle had a notable increase in traffic, while Philadelphia Tower saw some drop off in their ops count. Phoenix and Central Florida Approach traded positions. For many years now Central Florida has been at or just below the number 11 spot. Hopefully they’ll soon be able to crack the top 10. Click here for numbers 21-30 on the list
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