
Top 50 Busiest Towers in the United States

Top 50 Busiest Towers in the United States
Can you guess which tower this is?

Top 50 Busiest Towers in the United States

Every year the “F Hey Hey” crunches their numbers and comes out with the standings for the past fiscal year (FY). This data is important in establishing bragging rights. Without further ado, here’s the list.

1 ATL Atlanta 878,053 902,230 +24,177
2 ORD Chicago 882,943 874,148 -8,795
3 LAX Los Angeles 687,179 722,537 +35,358
4 DFW Dallas/Ft. Worth 692,769 685,309 -7,730
5 DEN Denver 555,176 570,395 +15,219
6 LAS Las Vegas 541,598 559,960 +18,362
7 CLT Charlotte 549,491 549,643 +152
8 EWR Newark 532,846 536,755 +3,909
9 IAH Houston 513,445 485,111 -28,334
10 JFK JFK 464,472 480,976 +16,504

Atlanta taking the top spot is no surprise. What is a surprise however, is how much the traffic at Houston Intercontinental has dropped off. The “Merger” between Continental and United was supposed to add about 300 flights a day, instead traffic has dropped by about 77 flights a day. Moving traffic to Denver and Chicago has definitely not helped things. IAH tower was recently downgraded from a level 12, to level 11. >>>Click here for 11-20>>>

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Written by ATC Memes

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Top 50 Busiest Towers in the United States 11-20

Top 50 Busiest Towers in the United States 11-20

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