
My Husband is Cheating on Me

Getting back to it

Reader Submission:

Please help. I recently caught my husband cheating on me. He’s a Delta Captain, and he slept with some pilot groupie that he met on your website. I don’t know what I should do. Should I leave him? Should I forgive him. Please help me ATC MEMEs, you’re my only source of advice on this.

Desperately waiting,

Dear Joanna,
First off, we are terribly sorry for your pain. We can’t believe a light chop reporting bastard like your husband would do this to such a sweet woman. There is no taking him back. What kind of self respecting pilot groupie would sleep with a Delta driver (even a Captain), when there are plenty of Mooney and Skywagon pilots out there? Are you sure he didn’t lie to her and say that he was a Southwest pilot? She may have been on drugs, or has an STD. I can’t say for certain without examining her myself. I assume you only married him because he trapped you before he made the move to Delta. Fortunately there are plenty of men out there that would be willing to overlook your mistake in choosing a bad pilot for a husband. Unfortunately all of them are Delta pilots. I say leave him and take half of his $350,000 a year salary. You deserve it for all the years of embarrassment when guests came into your home and had to see his Delta pilot participation trophies. Ugh. I hope I helped. Cheers. -AX

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Written by ATC Memes

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