Three big names in aviation are teaming up to form a super team of sorts. Airbus, Siemens and Rolls-Royce are partnering up to develop a prototype aircraft. This aircraft will be powered by Hybrid-Electric Propulsion. I know you all were expecting some joke about “Fusion Power” because after all this is a satiracal site. No, this is legit. I was trolling the Airbus website in the late night hours, looking around for some comedic gem. Alas, I found something pretty cool. I’m not sure how exactly it’ll work. They have some technical jargon up on the site, but I didn’t go to college, so I don’t understand that stuff.
They’re gonna call it “E Fan X Hybrid-Electric technology. They’re going to put it in a BAe 146 for the test. I know what you’re thinking…”Isn’t that a 4 engine aircraft?”. Yes it is. They are gonna knock out one of the engines and replace it with a Two Megawatt electric motor. If initial tests are successful, they will knock out another gas guzzling engine, and throw another two Megawatt jobber in it’s place.
Each of the three team members will contribute in their own ways:

Airbus-They will be responsible for the “overall integration” of the control architecture. That’s like back in school when you were the “Group Leader”. You didn’t really do shit, but you were responsible for the outcome. Nice job Airbus.
Rolls-Royce-They will be responsible for the “turbo-shaft” (I giggle everytime I hear “Shaft”). They will also supply the two megawatt generator (Because they have tons of them shits laying around).
Siemens-They’re gonna make the two megawatt motors, along with a bunch of other stuff (Siemens is like the nerd in the group. Everyone keeps saying “But you do that the best, you should do it”). If I was Siemens, I’d say “Y’all are taking advantage of me and my big brain”.

Apparantly the European Union (EU) has some lofty goals. They want (By 2050) for there to be a reduction of CO2 by 75%, NOx by 90%, and a noise reduction of 65%. Damn. That’s just not possible with today’s technology. So with the same vision and work ethic made popular by Henry Ford and the other tycoons of his day, these three mofos are gonna go out and invent the technology.
Much respect to them for trying. I’m excited to see how it all turns out. If it works, the airlines will gobble that shit up man. They are always looking at the bottom line (rightfully so). Gas is the past, fusion…uhh…I mean “Hybrid-Electric Propulsion” is the future.
Dilly Dilly
For some “Lighter” news:
Can you guess which Kardaashian is getting their private pilots certificate?