Alleged sexual harrassment aboard Alaska flight
Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark Zuckerberg, of facebook fame, alleges that she was sexually harassed while aboard an Alaskan Airlines flight. Not only did the pervert in question allegedly harass her, she says the flight crew knew about it, and took no action to stop him.
Feeling as though the powers that be would not help her, she took to social media for justice:
In the tweet, she attached the letter to the Alaska Airlines corporate office:
According to the letter, once she notified the Flight Attendants of the man’s inappropriate behavior, they said that they have “Had to talk to him about this behavior in the past, but oh well, don’t take it personally, this guy just doesn’t have a filter”. The fact that the man was a frequent flier on this particular route played a factor in the flight attendants’ “laissez faire” attitude. One attendant was so accustomed to his behavior, that they came by and asked him; “Are you behaving today?”
Alaska airlines has taken the matter to heart and notified her that they have launched an investigation:
The aviation industry prides itself on “professionalism”. Was the conduct of the flight attendants out of line? When a passanger alerts a flight attendant (A person that is a safety professional by the way) of malfeasance, shouldn’t they take action. This wasn’t a simple case of “His word vs. Her word”. This man has a history of this kind of behavior. Confrontation is difficult, I get that. Most people want to go about their day, with as little conflict as possible. But when you are a safety professional, especially one aboard a mainline air carrier, you know you have power. We joke around about “Sky Law” but most people know that if they mess around on an airplane, they can get jacked up pretty quickly. No one wants to end up on the “No Fly” list. A little bit of confrontation would have done some good here. This guy was way out of bounds, and no one ever seemed to really call him on it. What’s your opinion out there? Should have the Flight Attendants done more? Should have they got the Captain involved? Was it fair for Ms. Zuckerberg to have to sit next to this for three hours? I wanna hear y’alls thoughts on this.
Source: Randi Zuckerberg’s twitter account, and
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