A Mozambique Airlines Boeing 737 has been suspected to collide with a drone on Thursday night while making a final approach. The aircraft had 80 passengers and 6 crew on board during the time of the incident.
LAM – Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique issued this statement regarding the incident, please pardon our translation:
Lam – Mozambican Airlines, S.A. communicates that the aircraft Boeing 737-700 that yesterday, the 05th of January 2017, held the flight tm 136, taking advantage of maputo at 15:35 hours and arrived In Tete at 17:15 hours, with 80 passengers and 06 crew members, has suffered damage on the right side of the front part of the fuselage.That was confirmed in the act of a routine survey that the crew makes to the aircraft after the landing. However, the damage was recorded, appreciably, the moment you started the process of rapprochement with the track sight for landing in the airport of tete.
At that moment, the crew heard a bang, which alerted about the possibility of the aircraft have had contact with an external body, even so, don’t upset the normal conduct of the flight until the landing. Due to the occurrence was made a re-engineering to the relocation of another aircraft that transported the passengers from tete to maputo. With regard to the Boeing 737-700 arising from actions of replacement of the part that has suffered damage, as well as appropriate procedures for situations like that with the regulatory authority. As long as it is the process of reintegration of the aircraft in normal operation, poderãoocorrer reprogramaçõesde some flights of the company.