
Air Traffic Controller Exposes Chemtrail Conspiracy

Air Traffic Controller Exposes Chemtrail Conspiracy

PORTLAND – The city of Portland is calling for answers from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after an air traffic controller was heard questioning Southwest Airlines Flight 1256 about their chemtrails.  The Port of Portland Airport Authority filed for an emergency Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FAA to obtain the audio from the event (see below).  “We take this these claims very seriously, chemtrails have been proven dangerous and we must do everything to protect our community,” said Portland Airport Manager David Jones.  He added, “Chemtrails have long been a concern for the “Portlanites” and the citizens around this great city.”

James Rutherford, a local gas station attendant and eye witness to the chemtrail event commented, “In 1982 I seen this same thing but no one would believe me and calling me

James Rutherford
James Rutherford (Gas Station Attendant)

“special.”  I knew one day I would prove them all wrong about these chemtrails.  I could have went to ITT, Hartford, Portland Community College, you name it.  Instead I dropped out of school when I was 12 to start working at this gas station full time.  You don’t think I get paid much at only $15 a hour, but that is above minimum wage and I get paid under the table, which means I ain’t paying no taxes on it.  I’ve been working here every day listening to that radio to prove once and for all they do exist.  I finally got them.  This is one of the happiest days of my life.”


FAA Public Affairs declined to comment on the event after numerous attempts to reach their office.  Attempts were also made to contact Southwest Airlines with no response.  Audio from the event on September 22, 2016 at 0118z has since been removed from the popular website

Audio obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.

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Written by ATC Memes

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Donald Trump Questions FAA, EPA on 'Chemtrails'

Donald Trump Questions FAA, EPA on ‘Chemtrails’